







乔治亚州议会本周举行了为期三天的会议,使我们迎来了第19个立法日. 本周早些时候,州长签署了修订后的21财年预算,其中不包括新的机构削减, 休假, 裁员或新税. 众议院仍在继续制定2022财年预算,其他立法也在继续出台, 委员会听取意见, 并进行了投票. 参众两院农业和消费者事务委员会本周举行会议,主要讨论与消费者保护问题有关的立法. Lawmakers will return to the Capitol on Monday, which will mark the halfway point of this year’s session. To keep up with legislation affecting Georgia agriculture please see the Action This Week and Bills of Interest sections below.

另外, 周四, 肯普州长宣布,全州将于2月22日开放四个新的COVID-19疫苗接种点. These sites will be able to vaccinate 1,100 people per day, per site. Individuals in the Department of Public Health’s 1A+ phase are currently eligible, 包括医疗工作者, residents and staff of long-term care facilities, 成人65 +, 以及执法部门, 消防队员, 急救人员. The sites will be open 8am-5pm, Monday through Friday at the following 位置s:

  • Delta Air Museum, 1220 Woolman Place SW, Hapeville, GA 30354
  • Albany Georgia Forestry Site, 2910 Newton Road, Albany, GA 31701
  • Habersham County Fairgrounds, 4235 Toccoa Highway Clarkesville, GA 30523
  • Macon Farmers Market, 2055 Eisenhower Parkway, Macon, GA 31206



星期一下午, Governor Brian Kemp - joined by Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan, 众议院议长大卫·拉尔斯顿说, and other legislative leaders - signed the $26.修订后的21财年预算为50亿美元. The AFY21 budget required no additional agency cuts, 没有休假, 没有裁员, 也不会对该州居民征收新税. 它优先为包括医疗保健和教育工作者在内的基本工作者提供资金, and it also allocated $20 million to expand rural broadband access. 

With the AFY21 budget signed, lawmakers continued work on the FY22 budget this week.


森ate Appropriations Chairman Blake Tillery and House Appropriations Chairman Terry England preside over budget hearings last month


A few years ago, 乔治亚州农场局 (GFB) worked closely with 代表. 萨姆·沃森(R-Moultrie)将通过立法,使“农场实体”的定义在CUVA计划中现代化,以反映许多农场目前的结构方式. While originally only family-owned property was allowed in the program, 他的改变承认了当今工业中普遍存在的统一农场所有权的趋势, stating that the creation of a farm entity made up of two people who individually qualify is also eligible.

这个问题又出现了, this time relating to the ad valorem tax exemption of farm equipment and products. 代表. Watson is pursuing the same solution for this exemption to reflect the industry’s shift to consolidated farm structures. 虽然只有少数几个案例出现了针对共同拥有的农场的巨额税收账单, this may become more problematic in the future should FSA continue forward with the reconsolidation of farm numbers. 与CUVA达成的解决方案不同, the change to the ad valorem exemption requires approval by voters in a referendum. 众议院498号法案 为由个别合格的农场主组成的农场实体提供从价税豁免,并指示在2022年11月举行全州公投程序以颁布该法案.


代表resentative Sam Watson (R-Moultrie) on the House floor earlier this week.



Two opposing bills have been introduced at the State Capitol this session regarding Georgia's stance on daylight savings time, 引起了全州农民的关注. 

众议院第44号法案,由众议员介绍. 伍德斯托克的韦斯·坎特雷尔, 是否要求该州全年实行夏令时作为官方模式. 然而, this would only become effective if Congress authorizes states to observe daylight savings time year round.

在参议院方面,麦凯恩. 萨凡纳的本·沃森介绍了 参议院第100号法案. 该法案将要求该州全年遵守标准时间,立即生效. If Congress authorizes states to observe daylight savings time year round, the state would then observe daylight savings time. 

当时钟在11月“倒退”时, 他们从日光时间切换到标准时间, allowing for brighter mornings and darker evenings. 当时钟在三月“拨快”时, 他们从标准到日光, allowing for longer periods of daylight in the evenings. A number of arguments can be made for both standard and daylight time, 但也有很多是在乔治亚州的农业地区, 自然资源, 休闲产业更喜欢日光正是因为这个原因——晚上较长的日光可以让农场有更多的时间待在外面, 在野外, 或者在高尔夫球场上, 积极影响格鲁吉亚人的身心健康,并促进当地经济.

Neither 乔治亚州农场局 or the American Farm Bureau Federation have current policy surrounding daylight savings time, 但在这些法案通过立法机构的过程中,我们将继续密切关注. If you are interested in contacting your legislators regarding these bills, 您可以点击 在这里.



Despite the challenges presented by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, 坎普州长本周早些时候宣布,格鲁吉亚将在2020年被列为十大出口州, 这是该州从未见过的成就. 格鲁吉亚出口$38.去年,中国出口了80亿件商品,销往全球215个不同的国家和地区. 

Georgia's poultry industry saw a substantial boost as a result of the Phase One trade agreement with China, 于2020年1月签署. Georgia's exports to China increased by 45% last year. As a whole, Georgia's agricultural industry delivered $4.25 billion in global exports, maintaining its export totals from 2019. 

To learn more, view Georgia's 2020 Global Trade Summary 在这里.




A special 选举 was held this week for Georgia State House District 90, 以前由Pam Stephenson (D-Lithonia)持有. Stephenson resigned from her position and candidacy in September.

T在这里 were six candidates, all democrats, vying for the seat. As no candidate received more than 50% of the roughly 3,000张选票, 前两名竞争者——斯坦·沃森和安吉拉·摩尔——将进入3月9日的决选.

House District 90位于迪卡尔布县. To check your district and voter registration status, 点击 在这里.




HB 90
代表. Williamson, Burns, Dickey, Hatchett, Morris, and Watson

HB 90试图解决一个问题,即现有的1939年法规没有适当地涵盖现代林业实践,涉及工厂购买砍伐木材和这种交易后的责任链. The legislation is supported by both the Georgia Bankers Association and the Georgia Forestry Association.
House Passed/Adopted by Substitute on 2/17/2021.


HB 150:
代表. Williamson, Hatchett, Kelley, Frazier, Parsons, and Smith

In a concerning trend, some state and local authorities in the U.S. 为了实现“无碳”目标,是否采取措施禁止在新建筑中使用某些燃料(丙烷和天然气). HB 150将禁止乔治亚州的政府机构根据燃料的类型或来源禁止连接任何公用事业服务. GFB supports this bill, as many agricultural producers rely on these resources.
众议院能源, 公用事业公司, and Telecommunications Committee Favorably 代表orted by Substitute on 2/17/2021.


HB 282:
代表. 米克斯,英格兰,哈切特,华生和迪基

This bill provides clarity to the ad valorem taxation of qualified timberland property by defining parameters for “contiguous” property, specifying how the appraised value of timberland property is calculated, and clarifies the required documentation landowners must submit to the Commissioner of Revenue for certification.
House Passed/Adopted by Committee Substitute on 2/17/2021.


HB 336:
代表. 科比特,迪基,皮尔克尔,贾斯珀斯和沃森

经过两年的广泛立法,建立了格鲁吉亚的新大麻产业, HB 336是一项清理法案,旨在使乔治亚州的大麻法律与联邦标准保持一致. 
Assigned to House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee on 2/9/2021.


HB 482:
代表. 林和霍尔科姆

该法案将提供一个优惠税率计划,旨在促进城市农业,并提供城市农业激励区,该区域将位于贫困率为15%或更高的地区. 该计划包括对进入合同的财产的限制,例如至少为 .10 acres but not more than 5 acres and for an initial term of at least 5 years. This bill is the enabling legislation for HR 164 that would put this change on the ballot in 2022 as a constitutional amendment.
Assigned to House Ways and Means Committee on 2/17/2021.


HB 496:
代表. 伯切特,伯恩斯,罗兹,雷德利和威廉姆斯

该法案试图创造1美元,年度森林产品许可证, 由交通部签发, allowing vehicles hauling timber up to a gross weight of 95,000, 可达10英尺宽, 长度不超过100英尺.
Assigned to House Transportation Committee on 2/18/2021.


HB 498:
代表. 华生,迪基,拉胡德,英格兰和皮尔克尔

税收计划和商业模式增加了家庭农场合并的普遍性. This bill modernizes the ad valorem tax exemption of farm equipment and products to these merged entities, so long as they would qualify for the exemption individually.
Assigned to House Ways and Means Committee on 2/18/2021.


HB 500:
代表. 伯切特,布莱克蒙,迪基,罗德斯,华生

乔治亚州农业综合企业和农村就业法案, 成立于2017年, 为农村企业提供非传统贷款系统,以鼓励经济增长和就业. This legislation would provide the second round of funding, 金额为1亿美元, 来补充程序.
Assigned to House Ways and Means Committee on 2/18/2021.


HB 504:
代表. Williamson, Reeves, Burns, Knight, Blackmon, and Lott

类似于HB 500, this legislation provides a second round of funding for the Georgia Agribusiness and Rural Jobs Act 金额为1亿美元. 然而, the bill goes on to create a new NAICS code and tax program for medical equipment and supplies manufacturers. 另外, this bill goes on to address other tax credit programs dealing with high-impact aerospace defense projects, 乔治亚州的港口, 和铁路.
Assigned to House Ways and Means Committee on 2/18/2021.


HR 164:
代表. 林和霍尔科姆

如果HB 482通过,HR 164将允许宪法修正案在2022年进行投票. See above for additional information on HB 482.
Assigned to House Ways and Means Committee on 2/17/2021.


SB 100:
森s. 华生,杜根,肯尼迪,米勒,欧,伯克

This bill would require Georgia to observe Standard Time year round until Congress authorizes states to observe Daylight Savings Time, at which point Georgia would observe Daylight Savings Time year round.
森ate Government Oversight Committee Favorably 代表orted on 2/17/2021.


SB 119:
森s. Harper, Goodman, Burke, Mullis, Anderson, and Walker

根据参议院第119号法案, you would not have to obtain a burn permit to burn leaf piles, 院子里的碎片, 或者手工堆砌的天然植被, 考虑到你在时间上符合规定, 位置, 和其他人.


SB 148:
森s. Hufstetler, Miller, Butler, Dugan, Parent, and Mullis

参议院第148号法案要求通过设立格鲁吉亚税收改革与公平特别委员会和格鲁吉亚收入结构特别联合委员会,对该州的收入结构进行系统研究. The committee would report its findings and make recommendations to the Speaker of the House and the Lieutenant Governor by January 10, 2022. 
森ate Finance Committee Favorably 代表orted by Substitute on 2/18/2021.


SB 195:
森. Mullis

In another minute clarification to Georgia’s new hemp industry, 该立法规定,大麻植物的干燥和固化不符合“加工”的条件.”
Assigned to 森ate Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee on 2/17/2021.



HB 44:
代表. Cantrell, Greene, Barr, Werkheiser, Gambill, Williams
This bill would require Georgia to observe Daylight Savings Time year round. 


HB 139:
代表. 梅诺,杜克斯,麦克莱恩,马洛,托马斯
This bill would prohibit trains from blocking any traffic crossing for longer than 15 minutes (with exceptions for safety reasons), 并且还要求在十字路口的标志上提供电话号码,以报告此类情况.
Assigned to House Transportation Committee on 1/28/2021.


HB 265:
代表. 奈特,威廉森和布莱克蒙

House Bill 265 aims to clean up the state's revenue code, a large portion of the bill relating to tax-relief measures stemming from federal Covid-19 relief legislation. Included in the bill is a measure which would make certain Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loans tax exempt. 根据SB 265, 有资格获得PPP贷款减免的企业将不需要为贷款缴纳州税, 即使它们算作收入. The measure also lets those business owners claim tax deductions on the loans.
于2021年2月9日在众议院通过. Assigned to 森ate Finance Committee on 2/10/2021.


HB 290:
代表. Setzler, Newton, Hatchett, Rich, Jackson, and Bentley

众议院法案290, 或《访问权法案, 将要求格鲁吉亚的医院和养老院设施允许患者每天至少与家人见面两小时,即使在Covid-19大流行等公共卫生紧急情况下,也要遵循适当的安全和健康协议,包括阴性检测. 
Assigned to House Human Relations and Aging Committee on 2/4/2021.


SB 30:
森s. 海滩,哈比森

森ate Bill 30 would provide for pari-mutuel horse racing in the state at a limited number of licensed equestrian centers, 成立乔治亚赛马委员会, 并对赛马及相关活动作出全面规管.
Assigned to House Regulated Industries and 公用事业公司 Committee on 1/28/2021.


SB 65:
森s. Gooch, Miller, Cowsert, Tillery, Harper, and Hatchett

In a continued effort to expand broadband access to rural and un-served communities, 这项立法允许公共服务委员会和社区事务部利用普及基金的一部分来提供这种服务.
Assigned to 森ate Regulated Industries and 公用事业公司 Committee on 2/2/2021.


SB 118:
森s. Harper, Burke, Tillery, Goodman, Anderson, and Kennedy

SB 118 would increase truck weights for 6-axle timber haulers up to 100,000 lbs.
Assigned to 森ate Transportation Committee on 2/10/2021.



在过去的几个月里,我们收到了一些关于该州选举法的问题, and an assortment of bills regarding the subject have been filed in both the House and the 森ate during the 2021 legislative session. Below you will find a list of many of the bills of interest surrounding 选举s and elected officials both in Georgia and Washington, D.C. 


HB 59:
代表. 坎特雷尔,克拉克,里奇和埃文斯
House Bill 59 would provide special absentee ballots for, as well as authorize the use of instant runoff voting for, those overseas citizens and military personnel who cannot vote in person. Rather than wait until after a runoff 选举 is called to submit a ballot, 选民将有机会在他们的大选选票中提交一份特别决选选票, to be opened and counted only if a runoff 选举 is required.
Assigned to the Special Committee on Election Integrity on 1/12/2021.


HB 62:
代表. Gullett, Powell, Momtahan, Williams, Gambill, and Singleton
Assigned to the Special Committee on Election Integrity on 1/13/2021.


HB 270:
代表. Fleming, Jones, DeLoach, Williams, Powell, and Blackmon
众议院第270号法案要求所有邮寄缺席选票的申请必须在初选前的第二个星期五下午5点前由登记委员会或缺席选票书记员收到, 选举, 或径流 and also requires that 选举 officials get absentee ballots in the mail within three business days of receipt. 另外, no ballots may be issued or mailed following the close of business on the Wednesday prior to the primary, 选举, 或径流.


HB 461:
代表. 弗莱明,琼斯,里奇,威廉姆斯和迪洛奇
This bill would allow for all returned absentee ballots to be securely opened and counted ahead of Election Day.
Assigned to the Special Committee on Election Integrity on 2/16/2021.


SB 29:
森. Anavitarte
This bill would require those wishing to vote in a Georgia 选举 by absentee ballot to include a photocopy of their driver's license, 选民身份证, U.S. 护照, 政府雇员身份证, 军人身份证, or tribal identification card both when applying for an absentee ballot application and when returning it. Members of the military and overseas voters would be exempt from this requirement.
Referred to 森ate Ethics Committee on 1/28/2021.


SB 67:
森s. Walker, Miller, Mullis, Kennedy, Gooch, and Anavitarte
SB 67 would require Georgia's voters to provide a copy of a valid driver's license, 选民身份证, or state ID number when requesting an absentee ballot. 它还将允许州务卿办公室建立一个门户网站,选民可以通过提供适当的身份证明来提交缺席投票的请求, 之后,州务卿办公室将把信息转发给选民居住的县,以便签发缺席选票.
森ate Ethics Committee Favorably 代表orted by Substitute on 2/18/2021.


SB 68:
森s. Mullis, Miller, Gooch, Walker, Albers, and Hickman
Assigned to 森ate Ethics Committee on 2/2/2021.


SB 69:
森s. Mullis, Miller, Gooch, Walker, Hickman, and McNeill
森ate Bill 69 would prohibit automatic voter registration when driver's licenses are attained; instead, residents would have to explicitly indicate the desire to register to vote and subsequently sign a voter registration application.
Assigned to 森ate Ethics Committee on 2/2/2021.


SB 70:
森s. Mullis, Miller, Gooch, Walker, Albers, and HIckman
This bill would prohibit new residents of Georgia from voting in runoff 选举s in the same 选举 cycle.
Assigned to 森ate Ethics Committee on 2/2/2021.


SB 71:
森s. Mullis, Miller, Hickman, McNeill, Beach, and Burns
森ate Bill 71 would end "no excuse" absentee voting and limit absentee voting to residents over the age of 75, 残疾人士, or those required to be absent from their voting precinct.
Assigned to 森ate Ethics Committee on 2/2/2021.


SB 73:
森s. Mullis, Miller, Gooch, Walker, Albers, and Hickman
SB 73将禁止除国务卿以外的所有个人和组织, 选举监督, 登记员委员会, 或候选人或候选人的竞选委员会分发缺席选票申请表.
Assigned to 森ate Ethics Committee on 2/2/2021.


SB 89:
森s. Miller, Albers, Gooch, Kennedy, Anavitarte, and Brass
参议院第89号法案将在国务卿办公室内设立一名“首席选举援助”干事,在选举司司长的监督下工作. 首席选举协助官由州选举委员会任命. 该官员将负责监督和培训县选举监督员, establishing a list of third-party vendors to perform routine audits and evaluations of 选举 management practices, 并为那些表现最差、需要帮助的选举负责人提供支持.
森ate Ethics Committee Favorably 代表orted by Substitute on 2/18/2021.


SB 93:
森s. Robertson, Anderson, Mullis, Harbin, Thompson, and Anavitarte
该法案只允许在现有投票站被认为不适合人类居住或遭受水和/或电力损失的情况下使用移动投票站. Any other usage of mobile voting precincts would be banned.
Assigned to 森ate Ethics Committee on 2/8/2021.


SB 141:
森s. Anavitarte, McNeill, Thompson, Robertson, Hickman, and Gooch
Assigned to 森ate Ethics Committee on 2/10/2021.


SR 83:
森s. 米勒,古奇,沃克,伯克和阿尔伯斯
Assigned to 森ate Government Oversight Committee on 2/10/2021.




With the release of USDA’s Farm Labor Survey (FLS) on February 11, 农民 that utilize the H-2A program finally know the minimum wage they must pay their H-2A workers in 2021. 通常这个工资率, 即负面影响工资率(AEWR), is known when the Farm Labor Survey is released in November, 但在过去的四个月里,政策的变化被提出,然后在法庭上被否决,推迟了农场劳动力调查的发布, 这反过来又推迟了AEWR的宣布. FLS显示平均增加了0美元.每小时63,或4.5%, from 2020 to 2021, though t在这里 are considerable regional differences.

T在这里 are eighteen regions that makeup the FLS. 东南地区, 包括格鲁吉亚, saw one of the lowest increases in the AEWR from 2020 to 2021 with only a 0.增加9%. 只有三角洲地区(阿肯色州、路易斯安那州和密西西比州)的增幅较低,为0.4%. 全国农牧业职工平均工资总额增长2%.6% for the 12-month period ending in December of 2020. 目前,东南AEWR利率为11美元.81. 

有关农场劳动力调查和不利影响工资率公告的更多信息,请单击 在这里.


2021年各州的不利影响工资率. 费率是按地区确定的. 


CFAP 2.申请截止日期为2月26日

1月15日,美国农业部宣布通过冠状病毒食品援助计划提供额外援助. 自宣布这一消息以来,拜登政府已暂停处理和付款,等待审查. 在管理部门评估该计划期间,当地FSA办事处将继续接受申请. 它应该恢复吗, this new assistance will include expanded eligibility for certain commodities and producers established in the recently passed 救援包, 以及更新支付给那些在之前的计划中符合条件的制片人. 从1月19日到2月26日,制片人可以提交新的申请,如果他们已经参加了该计划,可以修改现有的申请. 有关更多信息,请单击 在这里.



Earlier this week, Georgia 代表resentative Austin Scott (R) introduced H.R. 这将是美国商品信贷公司(CCC)借款限额的两倍多. Currently set at $30 billion, the cap has been in place since 1987. Scott’s proposal would bring the limit to a total of $68 billion, accounting for the inflation-adjusted value of the current $30 billion cap, 30多年前实施的.

CCC自成立以来为农民和牧场主提供了急需的资金. The majority of payments for many farm bill programs, as well as supplemental assistance for nutrition programs, 源于CCC. 另外, recent Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP), 市场促进计划(MFP), and disaster payments have stemmed from the CCC funding umbrella. 9月, Congress had to replenish the CCC as funds ran perilously low, 这引发了提高借贷上限的需求.

了解更多关于斯科特的两党法案, co-sponsored by fellow members of the Georgia delegation and supported by the American Farm Bureau Federation, 点击 在这里.


CFAP 2.申请截止日期为2月26日

1月15日,美国农业部宣布通过冠状病毒食品援助计划提供额外援助. 自宣布这一消息以来,拜登政府已暂停处理和付款,等待审查. 在管理部门评估该计划期间,当地FSA办事处将继续接受申请. 它应该恢复吗, this new assistance will include expanded eligibility for certain commodities and producers established in the recently passed 救援包, 以及更新支付给那些在之前的计划中符合条件的制片人. 从1月19日到2月26日,制片人可以提交新的申请,如果他们已经参加了该计划,可以修改现有的申请. 有关更多信息,请单击 在这里.



尚未参加2021年农业风险亚洲体育博彩平台(ARC)或价格损失亚洲体育博彩平台(PLC)计划的农业生产者必须在3月15日之前参加. 尚未签署2021年注册合同或希望更改选举的生产者应联系当地的美国农业部农业服务机构(FSA)办公室进行预约. Program enrollment for 2021 is required in order to participate in the programs, but 选举s for the 2021 crop year are optional and otherwise remain the same as 选举s made for 2020.

Producers who do not complete enrollment by close of business local time on Monday, 3月15日将不会在ARC或PLC中注册2021作物年,并且如果触发符合条件的作物,将没有资格收到付款.

ARC和PLC合同可以通过电子邮件、传真或实物签署并邮寄回FSA. For more information on ARC and PLC including web-based decision tools, visit 农民.gov / arc-plc.


不是亚洲体育博彩平台的成员? 加入今天!

The 乔治亚州农场局 Federation has a membership of almost 250,000 and serves as state's the largest general farm organization.  Our goal is to provide leadership and assistance to the agricultural sector, 推广农产品, 协助农业相关采购, to be a spokesman for the farmer in the legislative arena, to be a leader in the development and expansion of farm markets, and to strive for more agricultural research and educational funds and facilities.

成员遍布乔治亚州159个县, 乔治亚州农场局致力于促进和改善我们县的农业, 不断改进和扩大我们的亚洲体育博彩平台服务计划,以提高所有格鲁吉亚人的生活质量.

亚洲体育博彩平台 佐治亚州农场局向所有人开放. You don't need to be a farmer or have insurance with us to join Farm Bureau!

If you would like to become a member of 乔治亚州农场局, 你现在就可以在网上注册亚洲体育博彩平台了! 我们有一个简单的申请程序,你可以在几分钟内成为我们的新亚洲体育博彩平台. 点击下面的按钮或使用我们的 县办事处定位 找离你最近的办公室.


乔治亚州农场局 公共政策 Department Staff



**图片由 乔治亚州参众两院 摄影画廊.